Deliberate use of materials to save cost


Concrete, a fundamental building material, is judiciously employed in PetitHaus constructions. From foundations to walls, concrete ensures structural stability and longevity. Its versatility allows for various applications, providing a solid base for PetitHaus homes. By utilizing concrete, PetitHaus achieves durability and resilience, contributing to the overall integrity of its structures. This strategic use of concrete aligns with PetitHaus's commitment to providing cost-effective, sustainable, and high-quality housing solutions.

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Prototypes with


Petithaus Co-ownership Model

Petithaus Co-ownership  Model
Petithaus Co-ownership  Model



Building Type


Base Estimate


Building Footprint

50 - 60 Sq M

Expert Guidance from Start to Finish. From dreaming to owning your home in reality, we've got you covered.

Check out how other materials are used in a Petit Haus